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What’s with the cats? Midnight Mass expertly introduces us to a small town full of interesting characters while laying the groundwork for a story I can’t wait to see unfold. 

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/LpRnsTSFdFM

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Red Dwarf

Ok I will watch it through a fourth time lol. So excited for this one!


Might be strange, but we're waiting for the vet to come to our home in 2 hours. She's going to be helping our sweet bloodhound cross the rainbow bridge. This show will be a lovely comfort. He's 12 years old, 3 months, and we brought him home at 8 weeks old. We'll miss him, but I'm so excited that he won't be in any more pain very soon. ❤️‍🩹


So, to address your question/observation in the intro: yes, Midnight Mass is a complete Flanagan original. It was actually the first show that he pitched to Netflix, but they were hesitant to take a chance on a relative unknown (though of course he had several excellent but low-radar films under his belt). So he put MM in his backpocket and pitched Hill House - they were more willing to go with something with established source material, said yes, and the rest is history! Also, minor quibble, but Flanagan has said that he really dislikes the term 'flanaverse'. Apparently, one of the cast members (I forget who) made the joke 'Flavengers Flassemble!' when Mike was getting them back together (might've been for this one or Usher), and his response was 'Oh God, no...' XD


I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a part of your lives for a long time and I hope you're able to find peace during this difficult season. I'm also glad he isn't in pain anymore.