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What’s with the cats? Midnight Mass expertly introduces us to a small town full of interesting characters while laying the groundwork for a story I can’t wait to see unfold. 



Nikki Sonrisa

yes! we are here! the Mike Flanagan series I touted as my favorite...until The Fall of the House of Usher. but we'll get there. we'll get there. one of the things I love about this series is that even though it's only 7 episodes, it really takes its time with the storytelling and allows you to get to know the characters so that by the end of the first episode, you're already invested in them. also, in this first episode of Midnight Mass, I was already playing "spot that cast member," trying to see how many cast members I could recognize from previous Flanagan works. I wonder how many you recognized? haha


It wasn't until I rewatched Haunted Hill years along with this channel that I realized Samantha Sloyan was in it and this wasn't her Flanagan debut. Mostly because, as the character herself points out, she doesn't really have any purpose.

Nikki Sonrisa

I didn't even recognize her from Hill House! I recognized her from Hush, one of Mike Flanagan's movies. I haven't seen all of his movies yet, but the few I have seen, I've loved. Not a spoiler from Hush, but an Easter Egg: Midnight Mass (the book) is featured prominently in the movie. Flanagan had been trying to get this story produced for a long time, and it was well worth the wait!


hoooooohohohoho baby here we go!


I didn't recognize that many! I'll talk about the cast in the intro for episode 2 because it's almost funny who I didn't recognize.

Kristine Gjersvik

just binged the show so i could watch it along with you!


Awesome!! I want to binge this one, but I'll have to move a little slower. Still, I should finished sooner than I can edit from week to week.

Kristine Gjersvik

so valid. i physically couldnt stop watching it so I finished it at like 3 am yesterday lol. restraint? don’t know her