Hey, K-Cordies, and welcome to our first K-drama poll! As we've said in some of our videos, we'll be doing two k-dramas at a time, one from the poll and selected by all of you, and one of our own picks. Currently we're still working through the first half of our pick, Tempted, BUT we finish True Beauty THIS COMING WEEK! We're both excited and sad about finishing this amazing show that has allowed us to connect with so many of you but we're also looking forward to the next show on our journey. We've looked through everyone's requests and are pretty sure we've got them all listed below as well as some of our own suggestions or suggestions we've received on YouTube or in Discord. If you have a request you don't see listed, please comment it below, message us, or reach on in Discord so we can include it in the next poll. And don't think you have to just request ASTRO K-drams, though those are more than welcome, but if there's any k-drama you want us to watch, let us know. We're also open to some c-dramas and j-dramas as well! This might be "K' cord but we don't see the harm in expanding our horizons a bit. Anyway, with that said, the drama with the most votes will be our next show and if there's a tie, we will run a tie-breaker poll. Happy voting K-Cordies!