It Is With Great Regret That We Must Inform You of Your Termination From the Position of Tea Slave No. 14 With the Empire (Patreon)
Dear [Former Employee],
It is with great regret that we must inform you of your termination from the position of Tea Slave No. 14 with the Empire – following the unfortunate incident in which you burned Lady Sith with boiling water, we have no choice but to end both your employment and your life.
We understand that accidents happen, but unfortunately, in the Sith Empire, accidents have a tendency to result in executions (or worse). We hope you understand that we cannot risk having anyone on our staff who is a danger to Lady Sith, her delicate skin, or her precious tea.
We appreciate your service to the Empire, however brief it may have been, and we hope you will forgive us for any inconvenience caused by your sudden and untimely demise. Please note that your remains will be donated to science (or possibly fed to the Rancors), as per company policy.
[HR Department]