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Next up on our Ateez journey is Twilight!
This was unexpected as the tone shifted completely from the first few tracks but we love surprises - this was a great track, and we are patiently wondering and waiting for the next track to see if the tone will be consistent with Twilight, or if it will go back to the pirate, industrial, steel drum filled sounds!

If you know anything about this track in terms of why they may have went for this sound and how this may fit into their complex lore, please let us know!




Don’t quote me. I’m still a baby atiny. But this song fits with them and what they say to atiny. Not so much the pirate lord. Seonghwa and Yunho have said atiny are like the stars in their night sky. Hwa has said he’ll be their sky if they’ll be his stars.. something along those lines. Something they say often. It’s just a cute song. And I can’t wait for their comeback in June. 🙃 same with skz. I’m a broke ass tired af staytiny.


I’m a lore-tiny. So my understanding: this album is them as the “pirates” and they are in search for their “treasure.” It’s is all about their ambition. This is what we want, we’re on our way and this is what we are experiencing on the way…But along this journey they begin to see a darker side of themselves (you will see more of that in the next album) but it gets even more complicated (parallel dimensions; time travel). ATEEZ explains a lot of their lore/stories in the books of the albums as well. If you check out Bookish Theories and ETERNITEEZ on YT, they both break down the lore pretty good. Trying to explain it is bananas. Otherwise! 🤪

stela ♥

While Ateez might be the most lore-focused group I stan, I do think not all of their songs fit within the lore. Some songs, like Twilight, are softer and like someone else mentioned meant as a message towards Atiny, some as a more dramatic statement or as general social commentary (even some of their title tracks I'd say), and then some are just bops. Personally I think that The World Ep. 1 - Movement is the only album they have that is lore from start to end, and the theme there runs very impressively throughout. But yeah, I might not be the best person to speak on the matter but I find that Twilight is just a message they wanted to get out and as D'some said Stay goes in that direction as well.


Oh man, I needed this today so thank you. The way I look at it, it’s not a huge tie in with lore, but the theme I guess. I always pictured it as them on their journey stopping along the way to chill on an island and enjoy their time and travel together. My favorite parts outside of the music/performances are the lore and the message. I find a lot of the time the message on the softer songs are to Atiny and it almost always is they are here with us, to stand by us, hold our hands, we are not alone and we have someone on our sides. When I’m having a bad day, their music is where I go, cuz even though they have no idea who I am or what my story is, it’s just nice to feel like someone has my back. Anyways, to me, this is kinda where the message started and the guys just appreciating Atiny. Not hugely lore based but the message is there.

Court V

The more you listen to Ateez, you'll see that all their music is pretty different from each other so never expect something the same :) also, some of Ateez songs tend to have a beachy sound which I think loosely correlates with the pirate theme and being free. And if I'm not mistaken, I think a lot of their lighter songs actually have a darker meaning, like eternal sunshine for example and I think illusion too. If you want to get the full storyline, it's easier to remember that the treasure series is actually technically a sequel to the fever series. The treasure and fever series is in dimension A while the world series and spin off is dimension Z:) hongjoong sorta explains some of it in his showterview with sumni if you ever wanna check it out :);


Im not a loretiny, but for me it seems like Treasure EP.1 is the beginning of their journey to find their treasure with the help of their fans. The first real step towards their dreams. I like to imagine the feel of this album is like the beginning of a shounen anime, where things seem lighthearted and optimistic in the beginning and as they journey on things get more complicated and dark.


From what I understand, Ateez lore actually begins during the Fever series, then moves to the Treasure series, and that is universe A Ateez, and the World Series is universe Z Ateez, so Halateez. Basically, fever is all of their hopes, dreams, fears, etc, and treasure is their first voyage. At least, that is how I understand it.

Handsome Sausages

You know, in retrospect, that makes so much more sense. I think we got into this 'Ateez is notorious for their complex lore' thing too much that we thought every single song and every single line would be connected very meticulously - of course it's a message towards Atiny. But it's still so cool that they have such intricate lore behind their albums and songs!

Handsome Sausages

That actually makes the song better that it's a message to all the Atinys - lyrics make more sense that way too :) Wonderful

Handsome Sausages

Yeh it seems like that's the case! We look forward to checking out their future albums and finding out how their lore really takes off :)


Your reactions are so fun and interesting to watch as you pick up on all the background things! Lyric videos are fine and you can hear the recorded track, but this is a gentle reminder that ...live is always better. They are performance monsters for a reason, and the live performance is always worth watching. Even if it's on your own time, not a recorded reaction. Once you get your ears around the song...go watch a live performance. Really :P

Handsome Sausages

We heard a lot about their live performances, so we're definitely getting to them eventually, if anything over here on Patreon! :)


oh for sure! its confirmed that the timeline so far is Fever series < Treasure series < The World series. Even within the Treasure series the timeline is a little weird, with Say my Name being a prequel to Treasure.


Ateez does a really nice job with the edm/tropical vibe. they use it a lot in a few of their songs. dreamers, blue summer, dreamy day, wave, the list can go on with a few more songs, but i love the summer tropical vibe that all these songs carry. another group that also does this is kard. if you two ever get a chance and like tropical/edm theme music, kard is a mix girl boy group of 4 people that also uses edm/tropical sound.