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Christopher Returns


GG1 15



Miss Patty always comes on as strong as a 9 on the Richter Scale


All the rich socialites that orbit around Richard and Emily really exist in order to show they are the good ones. Strobe and Francine show that as awful as Richard and Emily can be, they still were better parents and better people than their social circle.


Lorelai really did make the mature and intelligent choice by not marrying at 16. And no one has forgiven her for it.


okay just got so depressed when i realized it'll take us another two months or so to get to season 2 lol, but i'm so glad you guys are enjoying the show so far! it's honestly really refreshing to see male reactors watch the show and truly, genuinely enjoy it instead of cast it aside as chick-television :)


also unfortunately early seasons christopher is VERY hot lmao... i mean luke is a looker too but holy moly

Allison O

Blaming Lorelai for Christopher not going to college is really rich considering she raised Rory alone and Christopher did nothing? They didn’t get married, he went off scot-free (and apparently hasn’t been paying any support) so there’s no reason his future had to be affected at all. Those people definitely suck and it sucks that after so many years of not caring about their granddaughter at all, Emily somehow expected it would be a great idea for them all to get together.


It's so great how riled up you guys get about these characters! You're expressing everything the rest of us are feeling, and it's very entertaining.

Scott Pearson Eberly

These two can be incredibly judgmental, often belittling anyone whose actions they consider wrong. Too funny.


Exactly! The two fathers in particular were awful in this episode. I was surprised that Emily was the only one of the 4 grandparents who even thought to check and see if Rory was okay. Emily for the win!


This show is fantastic. I have told one male friend of mine (whose wife has watched the entire show) he should watch it. He smiled politely, but his eyes said it was a hard pass.


I agree 100%. She was right: they weren't ready (Christopher still isn't), and it would have ended in disaster.


Two months until they get to my personal favorite character...


hahaha yeah, I tried getting my college boyfriend to watch it and he had no interest 🙄

Lady Stoneheart (UnCat)

Lol got a lot to say: Lorelei may not hold onto tender feelings and fond memories of a flash in the pan HS boyfriend, but it's harder not to want to reminisce when it's the person you made a person with. Plus, he was basically her only outlet and solice for freedom under her circumstances, those experiences feel even more precious then. Richard did say he wanted to kill Christopher initially, but they'll always more fully blame Lorelai because she is THEIR daughter. SHE failed on her responsibility as THEIR progeny, even if Christopher also fails, Richard will hold onto the notion that he could have at least salvaged appearances, but Lorelai was simply unwilling to "do what was right". If she had made it so things looked ok again, he wouldn't have to hold onto that it doesn't. My dad's greatest loathing of me is that I haven't "done things right" and that our estrangement exposes his own incompetencies and imperfections.


This episode is one of my favorites of the season. It offers a rich addition to the show's lore, and the dinner scene is dramatically compelling. We finally meet Christopher, insight into why he and Lorelai bonded over shared childhood traumas. The role reversal between Emily and Richard with the girls adds depth to their characters, showcasing facets of their personalities. Although the episode lacks the whimsical tone the show is known for, its thoroughly engaging and draws one deeper into the lives of the characters.

Lady Stoneheart (UnCat)

On another note though: Lorelai has always reminded me of my sister in an uncanny way for a lot of reasons, but the sincere painting enthusiasm seals it that the writers met my sister and said yes, our inspiration for the main character must be her. I guess love of art and an art degree means you love to pain walls too??? 🤣

Aude M

Richard is a bit more complicated character than we think. Emily, you can see right away that she's complex, that there are many layers...Richard's more enigmatic.


I totally get that. We just expected so much more from Richard. Emily was really great in this episode though


Two months and then we get to my favorite character on the show...