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The end is the same. A locker filled with refuse and waste. A girl shoved inside and left to rot. But in the weeks of peace beforehand, without her tormentors to control her focus, Taylor is left wondering why. Why has her best friend betrayed her so utterly? Why has Emma spent the past year making her life miserable? Why, why, why?
And so, in the locker, the wondering culminates, and the power Taylor receives is not to suborn all the bugs around her, but to instead make herself new friends who would never think to betray her. All she has to do is build them, first.

To put it simply, a Tinker Taylor whose power is to build the androids from Nier: Automata

Honestly, it's just an idea, right now. I had it a little while ago, but I haven't done much of anything with it, and I've got no plans on where to take it, yet. A few thoughts on events that might take place, sure, but nothing solid or long term.

Will it happen, eventually? Maybe. Depending on how well you guys like the idea and whether or not I can come up with something more solid, this might be my next Worm fanfic. On the other hand, it might wind up just being another of my "wouldn't it have been cool" ideas that never goes anywhere.

Thoughts? Opinions? I don't recall seeing this idea anywhere else, but hey, I could be wrong. Nier: Automata stories are quite rare, after all.



I had that thought a while ago and threw it in a reddit a while ago. It was a bit different in that she triggers in the hospital after finding out her dad died in a car accident rushing to get to the hospital hearing the news. I always thought that trigger events help the person get out of the current situation. So my thought was to change it to after so she can make her friends. Later she and Coil teams up him providing the cash for the android, because he would be all over killer robots instead of mercs he has to pay. Taylor a bit more amoral since there's no one left she wants to help besides her and her android, so she's cool with Coil. He uses Dinah to figure out the best way to survive the end of the world like canon. Then they build a lunar base. Golden morning happens and thus you have the prelude to Nier Automata. With the world ended due to an alien invasion, humans on the moon and androids left on earth to try and make it habitable again.

Benjamin Lawton

I... don't know anything about NieR, other than its existence and the main character's appearance. Nevertheless, this sounds interesting – I say go for it.


I can see that, yeah. Artifice wouldn't try to slot them together like that, though. Or if it did, it would be something that didn't come up until much further down the line. I wouldn't be working the entire story with that alignment as the end goal. And I like using Danny too much to get rid of him. He can make a good supporting character, if you work with him right.


I like the idea of NieR:Automata more than the actuality of it. I kinda quit playing after the prologue hit me with a bunch of angst before I'd even had a chance to get to know the characters, much less learn to like them. That said, I have quite enjoyed the few N:A fics I've read, and would definitely be down for another. Plus, I've got a soft spot for tinker fics. Besides, seeing Taylor and 2B do their awkward intensity thing together would likely be all kinds of adorable. Add 2B or A2 to Lisa's whole deal and you've got a reader. And 6O plus Amy, maybe? Hey, at least I'm honest about my filthy shipping tendencies.

Reinhold Wuerzner

I'd read it to watch Saint stroke out if nothing else because that amuses me. It would be interesting to watch Taylor realize she is pretty much a mom. Danny realizing he is a granddad and his reaction to that could also be potentially very amusing.