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Quedagh Merchant [Noble Phantasm]
Sunken Adventure Prize

The vast treasure belonging to Captain Kidd, originally stored on a ship by the same name. Containing a variety of valuables, from silks to silver, there is more than enough to make the man who possesses it fabulously wealthy.

The origins of this Noble Phantasm come from Captain Kidd’s single greatest act of piracy, that is, the seizing of the eponymous Quedagh Merchant, an Indian merchant vessel, and all the treasure that it contained. It was the intent of Captain Kidd to use this treasure to pay off his debts, but this act of piracy could not be brushed aside or forgiven, and instead, the ship and its treasure were lost as Captain Kidd was tried in England and executed as a pirate and a murderer.

Ordinarily, the ship itself and all of its treasure might manifest independently. However, Captain Kidd can, through selective manifestation and clever positioning, merge this ship with his own to bolster the Adventure Galley’s weaker output, and the treasure will therefore appear in corresponding locations upon the Adventure Galley.

Furthermore, it is possible to “liquidate” the treasure into currency, allowing Captain Kidd to purchase goods and items in whatever era he finds himself summoned into. Because of a kind of curse resulting from the fact that Captain Kidd never had the chance to make use of this treasure in life, however, the treasure that is “liquidated” will always produce currency corresponding to a third of its actual value.



Somehow, these two didn't make it onto here when I did Kidd's interlude.