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I get asked this question in Twitter DMs, Discord, and YouTube comments all the time. Not sure why people are so interested in the Linux distribution I use but here's the answer:

Solus 4.1 with Gnome

I used KDE neon for most of 2020 but an update in September broke my desktop arrangement and made my workspaces non-functional.

I installed Solus on my laptop (the new StreamTop) and the performance was outstanding so I decided to try it out on my workstation. For better or worse, Solus ate the KDE neon bootloader and now I'm stuck on Solus with Gnome.

Going from KDE to Gnome is quite a jarring experience but at least I have a desktop that works again!



Marquis Davis

Well that's a shame about neon. I'm about to put neon on my laptop actually.


KDE is a weird one. I'll probably go another year before using as my daily again 😂

Marquis Davis

Well I quickly had a change of heart LOL. Once XFCE comes out with 4.16 that will probably go on everything. And depending on how that goes I'll go to Cinnamon or Gnome next.


Cinnamon was a bit of a letdown but Gnome has treated me well on Solus!