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YEEEEEEEEEEEEES... I am ready watch this with **best Knuckles voice** the vigor of a thousand fists!!!!

Melissa Creel

Edril Elba is just bang on perfect as Knuckles. So great. If you look up him doing the voice work he is actually wearing the Knuckles gloves. It's so great!! "I am having, the fun"🤣

Robert Robillard

It can Usually take as Little as an Hour or as Long as a Day, or more - it Depends on How much Editing is needed Before Uploading to YouTube. Cheers 🍻


"Who is Shadow?" That stung

Anna H

If you guys ever consider series suggestions, I really hope you'll do a Severance reaction sometime if you aren't already watching it. Just knowing how passionate you are about filmmaking, how appreciative you are of the finer details, how smart you are with your commentary and observations -- I'm more certain than anything that you'd have a phenomenal time reacting to it

Jordan Williams

Sonic 3 will be available for streaming this Tuesday Jan 21st!!! I saw it in theaters, you two will LOVE IT.

Mister Lou

The chili dog fake out was top notch for me! I loved it. Great reaction guys

Daniel Karlsson

Was a little late to watch this one with you guys but I have to say: This was so much fun! Hadn't seen this one and it was an absolute hoot! I especially enjoyed that it followed up the first one in quality. A sequel is always a bit dangerous, but I feel they nailed it here. Everything that was good about the first one was still there, just a level more. Knuckles and Tails are great additions and expands the universe nicely. The chase for the emerald is classic Sonic and it worked very well here. The dynamic between the characters is great and works very well. Like you said, they nailed the feel of the games. A lot of the locations are indeed very reminiscent of levels in the game and that is a smart move. It appeals to the hardcore fans and looks good to the uninitiated. I also like that they are basically following the progression of the games. Since they hint of Shadow in the next movie, one might also assume they will follow that arc fairly well. Will we even see other characters like Amy? Who knows? Again the effects are very well done and doesn't leave anything to complain about. Some cool cinematography as well. Looking forward to checking out the third one with you guys!