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Let me know your thoughts on my scene revision at the end lol








Cannon Andrus

It’s Dracarys Time 😈

alexis ♡︎


Tina L

Guys, what are you doing? I have to go to bed! Lol


Let’s goo! Took an edible about 20 minutes ago and then get this drop 🔥




If season 6 is already your top2 then after final 2 episodes it might be your top1


A quick GoT reaction before bed can’t hurt


Ws in the shat


it’s the way i’m still catching up 😅


omg cant wait to hear this scene revision 😂

Paul Durbin

Let's goooo. Whatever gripes I have about this show, I'm always excited for another drop.




LesGoooo perfect timing

Paul Durbin

Yeah I'm excited to hear their thoughts. I think they liked season 4 so much it's not gonna happen.


Also RIP to headphones users lo

bateman bookworm

cannon wanting milk of the poppy lol, you can, there called opioids 😭


Love brig always saying “Vermithor Lykiri”😂 that always plays in my head in Rhaenrya’s voice😂


Also say that to my cat when he wants the smoke lmao


Why do they keep swapping slaps? It’s crazy 🤨😹

Amanda Reutermo

honestly a great episode— loved seeing the bronn and pod reunion! and jaime and brienne's trying to be as respectful as humanly possible to each other while literally being on opposite sides of this war. and not to mention the hound running into the brotherhood again, and daenerys returning with drogon. a lot of reunions this episode! and like everyone has already said, the next two episodes are goated and I'm trying to temper my expectations that they will both be released this week, lmao. happy to see you guys enjoy season 6, it's literally still cooking and I'm very curious to see where it's gonna end up in your rankings!

Brig Andrus

Gimme the 9.9s 😈


I think Tommen goes too far in one direction, but it makes perfect sense to me why he might side against his mother. His mother caused this power balance change as well as the imprisonment of his wife.


Yuhhh. I bet u saw the little animated clip of Rhae saying it. She does that little spin and the dragon wings show (if anyone is curious it was done by “raven of woe” on TT)

Paul Durbin

Great reaction to The Mountain ripping that dudes head off Cannon. That is the proper response.

Paul Durbin

"I like the zombie Mountain. Let em cook." Wtf that's wild Brigg 😆😆


Guessing it was budget for why they didn’t do more with daenerys’s arrival scene, your right very underwhelming


The jackass and honeycomb lol


I love Pod

Daenerys Targaryen

Carter, your revised scene is 100 times better than what we got! ❤️ Now you gotta drop ep 9 for the releaseeee...


Carter, revising the last scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJdF8DJ70Dc


Tyrion drinks around 94 glasses of wine in total on screen 💀

Bellamy Blake

🤣so pitted. Why would you do this. Now it’s gonna be in my head for a while


I wonder why some of the Brotherhood Without Banners decided to raid a settlement. Were they trying to steal resources for the Brotherhood or was it for themselves? Maybe they planned on deserting at a good opportunity.


Great Reaction. Thank you! McKays side eye here was so good. Carter your idea at the end was really cool. I imagine you have seen episode 9 by now. Can’t wait to hear what you thought about how the show did in regards to Dani in the next drop. Jack was so funny pointing out the fall scenery. Saying Do you see that? as the Hound is pulling it out to pee. Those are the unintentional things you guys do that are hilarious. Lol.

bateman bookworm

Edmure has no reason to be nice jaime when his family has done nothing but ruin his family. Jaime had the nerve to talk about catelyn when his father ordered her murdered. “Rebelling against the crown has consequences” well yeah rob rebelled when jamie’s son chopped off ned’s head. He’s been a prisoner for years and jamie comes rocking the lannister banners and threatens to catapult his son to take his family’s land. Of course to edmure he is nothing but evil. I also think it’s stupid that he doesn’t care about anyone other than cersei☠️ his whole arc was that he killed the king to save the people of king’s landing


Before season 8 this was the worst episode of Game of Throne s on IMDB. It was foretelling.


Your idea is cool Carter, but legit the simple answer is they used ALLLLL of their budget for 9 and 10 lol

Mr. Buddy Guy

Great idea for a revised scene! They needed you in the writers room for more than just that Dany scene I promise you that lol. This show will always have a special place in my heart, but I think it’s totally fair to criticize moments and things about this show. For example, Arya’s entire storyline in Bravos. Some people do like it and that’s totally cool! But it’s so meh how they kinda had an idea on how to end it, but didn’t know get there. Let’s be honest we all know who to blame… GRRM. Dude dragged his feet so much and left Dumb and Dumber no other choice but to take a literal shot in the dark with Arya. Great upload, even I’ll admit we have some great television coming up!


That’s what makes Jamie so interesting to watch. You are never sure which way on that pendulum he is going to go. Very unpredictable.


Next episode is the GOAT. After that, it’s all down hill from here 😔 Incoming 4-5/10 IMDb episodes

Paul Durbin

Some can think something is off, and be okay with it. I respect that. I can still enjoy the show, but if someone like Carter, or me, or whoever, can think of a clearly better scene, that means the writing is subpar. And proves our point...


Next 2 Episodes Will Be Peak

Agent September 🏴‍☠️

Never confirmed but I think there are some members of the brotherhood who are much more extreme about the religious aspects and simply massacred them because they were non believers.

Amna 🍉

I sometime don't think people realize how fucked up it was for the Lannisters, Boltons and Freys to break the "guest right custom". Just a reminder, Catelyn didn't even want to enter the Frey's castle until Walder Frey offered bread and salt aka the guest right. The fact that this custom alone convinced Catelyn to go shows you how important customs are in the GOT world. This is why the red wedding was such a short sighted win. Tywin was so desperate to get rid of Robb that he didn't realize how much people would hate him for breaking the guest right rules. The Freys are being haunted down one by one in the books. Nobody respects the Boltons and the Lannisters. The North is slowly taking their revenge.


The hound didn't even give it a few shakes at the end, kinda nasty

Amna 🍉

Book wise I think Jaime is easily the best Lannister. His character development is amazingly written. Also, the fact that he's honouring the words he spoke to Catelyn about rescuing his daughters shows the readers how much he changed.

Thicc Thanos

I like your scene Carter but the only thing I would change is that when Denny says “drakarys” instead of Dragon shooting fire, Grey Worm starts shooting fire and that’s how we find out Grey Worm can shoot fire and also he can fly. He is the beast titan. Then Bran faces off with Eren to see who has the better time powers but when Reverse Flash shows up we find out that Reverse Flash was actually the one to push Bran off the tower and Eren made him do it. 🤯🤯🤯


Finally the worst arc in the shows ends with a writing wet fart

hollow soul

haha great revision carter, luckily next 2 episodes do the show more justice.


The two storylines I have problems with in this episode are Arya and the Blackfish. While I enjoyed Arya’s end with Needle in the dark, this entire cat and mouse game between Arya and the Waif was ridiculous IMO, and entirely an invention of the show. The Waif in the book is a completely different character. And so far has not had an adversarial role with Arya. And as far as Riverrun, in the book Brienne isn’t there at all. Jamie faces the dilemma of taking Riverrun without breaking his vow to Catelyn of not killing any more Tullys. And he does manage it by using Edmure in a similar fashion as he did in this episode. The big difference in the book is that Edmure and the Blackfish conspire together and the Blackfish escapes, much to Jamie’s displeasure, who wanted to take him captive. I think the show killed off the Blackfish because keeping him alive, like in the books, left another storyline open that they just wanted to finish off. Sort of like they handled Ser Barristan in season 5. I agree that this season has some truly epic moments. And it’s overall much better than season 5. The high notes of this season are some of my favorite for the entire series. But it is also a very inconsistent season, as you guys observed during your discussion prior to watching the episode. And I will make the same observation that I did on one of the earlier episodes in this season. I don’t think that the show runners really knew what to do with some of the story arcs that Martin had not yet finished. I continue to think that they were more invested in spectacle and shock value than in the deeper themes of the story. They did manage to write some excellent original scenes for the show. For instance, the Brienne/Hound fight from last season and the battle at Hardhome were their own creations. And both of those scenes are fantastic spectacles.


They cut it off so abruptly 😭 there are some times such cut offs work but this one felt awkward

alexis ♡︎

carter, you’re definitely cookin 😮‍💨 the fireball making drogon’s shadow visible would actually be tufff


“I don’t know how the last 3 episodes of this season can be better than season 4 …” 😭


I definitely agree on Arya. They could have made her arc so interesting, but they had way too many filler scenes that could have been more developed into making her training seem a lot more impactful. But in the end Arya is a very loved character so the outcome is satisfying still, tho plot holes make it a little weak🥲 Arya is still one of my favorite characters from start so it’s still enjoyable 💅🏽


The waif running like terminator 😭


Why does the waif look like Brig in a wig. 😂


I think you guys are gonna have a similar opinion of s7 as well. S6 and S7 have a lot of exciting moments that don’t make any sense once you look back on them


Well Director I think your scene would have been much better. However, we could simplify it by just having the sailors see drogons silohuette on the moon and follow her from there. And obviously we are keeping "It's dracarys time!" classic based cannon take.


Thank you guys


Don't know if anyone mentioned this, but Kevan Lannister Tywins little brother is JUST as smart and competent as Tywin. He is jure more of a timid family man kinder as well. He might stand in Tywin's shadow, but his shadow is just as large

Amna 🍉

The outcome is not satisfying when it's all fan service. They absolutely butchered book arya and what her character represented

Teri M



the whole faceless men arc is... confusing and a bit all over the place, yes. and D&D dont really do much to make it make sense in the "after the episode" either.. i dont think they even understood what was happening there haha. HOWEVER... I will say when i finished the show i went on a deep dive on the internet into fan theories and explanations it made a lot of things in the show more interesting on my rewatches, the faceless men theories maybe most of all because they do keep the meaning of it all pretty ambiguous (whether on purpose or not lol) so there is room to fill in some headcanon for yourself. the post show theory deep dive was honestly half the fun of this show for me.


well struck, carter. it was a good scene and you really painted the picture there for us haha. class.


Amna yes I agree and at this point we don’t have to compare it to the books because it’s night and day….However it’s nice to see Arya back and because she is a beloved character people will root for her


Carter in shambles about Daenerys’ return😭


Do the books do anything different for the Arya faceless man arc?


Mfw I commit manslaughter, torture innocent civilians, and literally kill the King of Westeros but win a trial by combat :3


I love how Jack yells "Kevan!" every time he appears on screen🤣🤣


The main gists are the same, i.e., Arya getting trained while trying to maintain her identity as Arya Stark. The book plot for Arya kind of stops at the point where she again kills somebody she is not supposed to kill (i guess here in the show that corresponds to not killing Lady Crane) So I cant really give a satisfying answer But some fun little details from the books: Sam meets Arya (unknowingly) when he makes a stop at Braavos on his way down to Oldtown, and Arya skinchanges into her direwolf during her sleep and even into a cat at some point to do some spying work (which also helps her maintain her identity as Arya)


Playing the devil's advocate here (and im also bored), but you could assume that Dany saw the boats and saw her city being attacked and decided to somehow stealthily ride Drogon to the pyramid under the cover of night and them probably being distracted attacking, you could also factor in the distance from the bay to the pyramid and the light from the fireball they're launching as to how they didn't see her massive dragon. And the slave masters are only attacking because they know that Dany isn't here, maybe from intel they got from spies in the city, which could've lowered their guards since they think that there aren't any dragons around. By not showing herself to the enemy, she's also gained the advantage, opening up her options of attack, which would primarily be a sneak attack. A lot of assumptions being made here for my own justifications and fun, so dont take this seriously, pls.


Its 3am and I'm back home with mickey d's and now I get to relax with this new upload. I should know better wearing headphones when carter likes to yell about the gory stuff. Sidenote that slap was pretty loud.

Tim Zaum

Rewatching this season, it might be worse than Season 5. 1-4 is untouched.


bruh a cowboys fan? no longer think he’s cool

Marlon Douglas

''It's Dracarys time'' Cannon.

sean reading

1 more episode. Wow


Arya's arc this season is so funny. Literally disobeys every order she was given, only to receive an A+ grade at the end.


peak incoming peak incoming


I think in the books there is just far less of it so it feels more important and progresses more plot when you do see it, whereas in the show they need to have Maisie Williams in the majority of the episodes so it feels as if it progresses very slowly


Also, I think the show overlooks that the faceless men want Arya to kill indiscriminately, whereas she still is hellbent on her personal revenge, this is clearly a mindset that the books are leading towards correcting in the future, whereas the show glorifies her path of revenge


I don't think season 6 is consistently good but it has a lot of peak moments and plot points reaching their peak. Better than season 5 easily.

Duke Howard

Are they uploading Episode 9 today?

Paul Durbin

For one, Arya had been having wolf dreams through the eyes of Nymeria for some time. During the time that she is blind in Braavos, her warging abilities are awakened, as she is able to see through the eyes of animals, specifically a cat. Also her blindness is less of a punishment and more just a part of her training to enhance her senses. Also, Jaqan Hagar does not appear in Braavos. He's a faceless man after all...

Amber S

I literally can’t wait for the next two!!!!😫🤣

Paul Durbin

I don't think D&D ever made anything make sense in any of the "after the episode." Arya is my favorite character and they butchered the fuck out of her in the show. Too bad...


I noticed this in their reaction. I have watched over 15 reactors react to this scene. Most all of them comment about the waif and Terminator. This is the first Thannos I heard. Which is great and it’s what makes these guys unique. Also they may not have seen the Terminator movies yet. Highly recommend them once the viewing schedule opens up for movie night.

Alex Turnbull

I really can't wait for you guys to see the next two episodes but especially the next one!

Emily P

Not sure if this has been mentioned already but the Blackfish was a childhood hero of Jaime's. Imagine meeting your hero and having them tell you that you're a disappointment - big ouch for Jaime

Jenny D

I agree with Carter. It would have been epic. I think maybe the only reason she didn't do it was because she wanted to figure out what was going on. I was glad when Arya finally killed the Waif. It definitely would have been epic to see. Wish they hadn't faded to black. Fun fact: the Waif played Anne Neville in The White Queen. And the actress who helps Arya played an older Elizabeth Woodville in The White Princess. Not sure if you guys liked the war of the roses or the Tudor era, but those two shows are pretty good. George R.R. Martin was apparently inspired by the War of the Roses when writing Game of Thrones.


Those ships are still there in the next episode… lol all is not lost on epic incoming scenes


The only thing I got to say about your scene is ,, what if there is a better one on they way 🤔👀

Eliana Ayala

Can’t wait for episodes 9 and 10. Peak television in my opinion 😌

victoria t

A GIRL IS ARYA STARK AND I AM GOING HOME I wish you guys realized the sheer excitement of the whole fandom at this line when this ep first dropped

Sherry Porritt

na it was lame. They ruined the Aryas arc. The books sets her up so much better than this


Don’t be shy drop ep 9 and 10 this week 🐺🐺


Carter and Jack educated af thinkin the priest chicky is the witch from The Vampire Diaries🤣 she do look like Bonnie

Lexi Mae

i’m so hyped for the next episode 😫😫


Yeah idk.. I don’t think Arya is butchered and I don’t hate her arc as much as others in here?? 🤷‍♀️ at least not up to this point in the show


yall gotta release ep 9 and 10 this week 🫡


God the Arya plot was the most disappointing in the entire series. The faceless men were so cool and interesting and had so much potential for lore and all we got was Arya cleaning bodies and training with a staff when she was blind. Nothing about their history, about the many faced god about how their magic works etc. instead she literally disgraced their God and this sacred order of 1000+ years by directly disobeying orders MULTIPLE TIMES and Jaquen literally applauds her for it. Just garbage writing all around. AlSo Arya healing from being shanked, having her intestines shredded, and swimming in a dirty canal after one night of rest and some chicken soup is an insult to all our intelligence.

Brig Andrus

Don’t ever let me see your real face after this comment or you’re cooked😈

Tyler Sick

My answer to Carter is that the dragons (CGI) were just too expensive. Which causes scenes like that where the dragon has to be implied rather than shown. They had to use them sparingly.


I just read a comment that said it’s basically the same in the books up to the point where she kills someone she isn’t supposed to for a second time?? Or is that wrong? Is it just the way they wrapped this arc up that people are mad about? I don’t understand the vitriol… again after reading theories, I actually like this whole arc for Arya…

Meri Gjelaj

Emma people just hate to hate at this point because they’re bored. Yes in the books it’s extremely similar.

Gam Mac

Yah, same reason why the grown direwolves weren't shown as often in the series. Not enough money for cgi/vfx.


Honestly Jaqen was so cool in S2 and was kinda a bum afterwards. Sometimes it’s better not to meet your heroes ig


It doesn't matter if you like the character or not, Jaime is one of the best written characters I've ever seen, along with Theon


I have to admit when I read the book I skimmed the Bran and Arya plots, I think they were by far the worst part of the last book to me. So I can't judge the writers for those plots. They did butcher Dorne though.


Oh yeah please I would LOVE for you to show me the exact page number where Arya survives her intestines shredded apart from a bowl of chicken soup. PLEASE show me where she disobeys Jaquen and his ancient order TWICE and is allowed to leave with zero consequences and is actually praised. Show me where these happen in the books and I’ll personally cashapp you 1000$ usd. Disgusting how people can accept objectively garbage writing.


yeah, he has the best character development, but like everything with this show, season 8 happened


I need 6x9 😭 PLEASEEEEE!


Ok well I haven’t read the books that’s why I asked 😭


i mean i get the frustration, they reveal/explain nothing at the end of the arc but to be fair and as mentioned the books end before it gets really interesting


this is not from me, but i like this explanation of aria arc The waif was sent as a means to punish arya for not carrying out the contract to kill lady crane. When the contract was issued one life was promised to the many faced god i.e. Lady Crane. When arya didn't carry out the contract and was hunted, another life was promised to the many faced god. But as we all know from earlier season if someone's life is promised to the many faced god like Jaquen Hagar's was when arya saved him. The one who is saved is under favour of many faced god but he must repay his debt by sacrificing another life as a repayment for his own. Same thing happened to arya. Lady crane's life was given to the many faced god as promised and it doesn't matter who takes it or how much time it took as jaquen said that death is certain but the time and means are not. When waif went for arya's life the fact that arya was able to kill a noone clearly points to a huge favour from the many faced god. Also the debt of one life was paid by arya when she killed the waif as a replacement for her own. Being accepted by the many faced god is the true meaning of becoming a noone. Carrying out contracts to kill those who are promised to the many faced god comes later. Jaquen realized this and that is why he smiled that the many faced god chose arya to be the noone rather than the waif. Also many people are complaining that arya didn't choose becoming noone and said she is arya stark and jaquen let her leave. What most people missed is that she didn't say, "i am arya stark and i am going home" rather she said "A girl is arya stark and i am going home". Meaning she has accepted that she is a noone now and as a noone she can be whoever she wants. And the first character she chose to be is 'Arya Stark of Winterfel' to carry out her contract in which are those people who she has promised to the many faced god. And that is why jaquen hagar let her leave.


I NEED 6X9 😭😭😭🙏

Bellamy Blake

Jaqen told her when he gave her the coin she could offer names from her list to the many faced god. And then she showed up to house of b&w and he changed the rules on her and said she can’t kill for personal reasons😭 I’m not even mad he let her walk away because that was the deal implied when he recruited her.

Bellamy Blake

I’m not a book reader and he didn’t tell her any of that when he first recruited her. I personally don’t think it’s fair and that’s why I don’t care about these many faced god rules.

Bellamy Blake

Arya tricking Jaqen and naming him in S2 proves the rules can be messed with and there are loopholes

Lady Stoneheart (UnCat)

1. A religion of stealth assassins attempting non stealth assassination in broad daylight will always baffle me. Remember when the only indication that Ja'quen killed someone were the screams afterwards? 2. CARTER NEVER CHANGE!!! 😅 I knew you would catch the Daenerys walking in thing 😆, there are plenty of us with this much passion about that moment. The lack of establishing, transition, background character shots, diverting the dragon budget, and off screen rushed plot devices are KILLING me at this point tbh ... but upcoming 9-10 is my fav part of the show.


Nahhh, Id argue her holding Needle, and declaring her name is Arya Stark is the exact opposite of what you said. She's rejecting being 'No one', and reclaiming her true identity, even if it is painful to do so.


You guys do know of the rumor btw. The rumor was a few seasons ago when Daenerys had dragons and was occupying lands in Essos. They definitely talked about it before and thats why after that scene it pivoted to Tyrion and Mereen, it was supposed to help you understand that is what they were talking about


The Riverrun arc is where book Jaime and show Jaime become different characters to me

Lady Stoneheart (UnCat)

Faceless men are hired, it's maybe not well explained in the show I guess. Ja'quen was already owed to her to take three names since Arya saved them, so her naming him would just be carrying out his duty already on the job.


McKay W it is a Skyrim cult


Walking around like she’s Thanos 🤣😂

Amna 🍉

I thought game if thrones was cancelled after season 6🤨🤨

Lady Stoneheart (UnCat)

Actually I think that's based on a theory about why Ja'quen was in the black cells to begin with. I'm sure it isn't super black and white (pun intended), cut and dried, but Ja'quens first death would have been incidental, and all deaths either assigned or incidental count towards the many faced god.


Carter talking about the trials being corrupt and it just brings me back to Tyrion's trial in season 4 before he killed Tywin. They weren't gonna let him get out in any way. They had already decided he was guilty and that he was gonna die. It didn't matter what he had to say on the matter. Also Carter your scene revision isn't bad, but as Jack said, its the middle of the night. You can only see Drogon fly off behind her because the moon is behind her and its shining on the water. I don't disagree the original scene was lackluster

Sean Carroll

One thing I’ve noticed on this rewatch of season 6 is that the there is a sheer inconsistency inside episodes. Some scenes can be fantastic genuinely while other scenes in the same episode can be so trash. Say what you want about season 5 being slow, boring or whatever word you want to use but season 5 didn’t have this crazy inconsistency that season 6 has. I rate this episode a 6/10 Arya: continuing from the last episode where Arya should be on the brink of death after 1 slash and 2 stabs to the gut we have her able to sneak into lady cranes room. For some reason and very conveniently for Arya lady crane is able to stitch up death wounds and tells us a little story about why she’s able to do so… so I guess we just accept it. Next she asks Arya where she will go, and instead of saying she will find her family she decides to say she’ll go west of Westeros because no one knows what’s there. Are we really supposed to believe that with a world like got that there are no people who live west of Westeros? Not even one? Yeah look this whole west of Westeros thing is one of the most random things introduced by David and Dan and it’s going to give me a brain aneurism when we talk about it again later. Not to mention that the three eyes raven knows everything so maybe when bran gains full power of the three eyed raven he can just tell her what’s west of Westeros. Hound: great to see the hound back in action but did we really need to see such an unnecessarily lewd scene where a dude sticks a finger up someone’s asshole and then smells it. David and dans idea of humour is just awful, we first get constant cock jokes and now we get arse jokes. Truly hilarious. Tyrion: good scene with Tyrion and Varys saying goodbye. Still have issues with all the masters stuff being sorted offscreen all season apparently. Next we have Tyrion drinking with greyworm and missandei for some reason, this is the second time this season we get an absolutely pointless 3 minute filler scene where they make jokes… why? What purpose do these scenes serve? Like sure they are kind of funny but they don’t have any relevance to what’s going on at all and just feel like padding to run out the episode. All of a sudden the masters decide to attack for some reason, considering how successful they were at funding the sons of the harpy to ruin mereen why didn’t they continue doing this if their end game plan was to attack mereen anyway. When you think deeply about the entire mereen storyline this season it makes absolutely zero sense and it’s so obvious David and Dan only created a storyline in order to get Dany to take over the Dothraki so she could go to Westeros with a larger force. They didn’t know how to write mereen for one more season and that’s a fundamental issue with the massive drop in writing quality from David and Dan. Missandei has a really beautiful smile though so i guess that’s one positive to the scene. Jaime:fantastic scenes all around, first with brienne and then with edmure. Also great to see pod and bronn reunite Blackfish: another total failure of the writing from David and Dan to have the blackfish be killed offscreen, this might be even more disrespectful then the way they wrote barristons death scene. Dany: completely agreed Carter, the most underwhelming arrival ever for Dany, when a viewer of the show is able to create a better alternative to how the show writers did it, that just proves there has been a drop in writing quality. Hound: good to see Beric and thoros again. Hound continues to be hilarious and great to watch. Arya: so I guess one days rest, some stitches and a bowl of soup is sufficient to give Arya the ability to parkour around bravos at a supersonic speed. Good god my brain is hurting from the awful writing of this entire Arya plot. She then jumps off really high areas and is able to continue running despite the massive injuries. Arya then has a giant fall and ruins everyone’s stalls, so why haven’t they attacked her given bravos people’s complete lack of care for other people. No they just let her walk away. We finally get her succumbing to her injuries after the third parkour jump and she hides in her hideout. Omg how amazing was that foreshadowing earlier this season when Arya trained blind and now was able to kill the waif because the waif can’t fight blind… wow what truly peak writing….. no this is actually awful, one to have Arya be able to survive everything she’s gone through the last two episodes and then 2 to have Arya kill the waif in another offscreen death this episode shows the chaotic writing at play here. Arya then returns to the house of black and white with the waifs face… oh wow how cool and satisfying to not get the waif death onscreen. All of a sudden jaqen tells Arya she has finally become no one… ok dude how is that the case? Just because she killed someone out to kill her? Then Arya finally announces her name that we as the audience have known for the last 58 episodes and 18 episodes of this storyline was always the case. She announces she’s going home… but wait I thought she was going west of Westeros…For some reason jaqen smiles at this and let’s Arya go which again just makes absolutely no sense. How was Arya able to survive her wounds? She looks completely better in the final scene of the episode and has her boss babe walk out of the building. Did she somehow stitch herself back up offscreen? Oh well I guess we’re just supposed to accept that too, or maybe she picked up a full restore and just used that? Now that the bravos storyline is over did anyone actually enjoy that or understand any of it? No I don’t think so, for the last 18 episodes we have watched a completely dull storyline that was full of writing issues and writing confusion from David and Dan who had no idea what they were doing with it. The bravos storyline is a 2/10 storyline and easily aryas weakest arc. Now we have the 2 most overhyped episodes to watch next, certainly going to be fun to see the reaction but I for one will not hesitate to call out the major issues despite the hard on everyone has for those episodes.

Bellamy Blake

I don’t remember him explaining this. Arya says she wants to learn his skills. And he’s the one that brings up her list of names trying to hype her up to join him. If she strictly has to hire someone idk what her list has to do with her asking to be taught. It’s confusing or intentionally misleading. Why would she willingly do all that training just to be in a weird cult with your agency stripped? I wasn’t under the impression that this is what she signed up for. Maybe the show is just too vague


They should hire ya Carter 🤣🤣


so fucking excited for the next 2 episodes


Wait is she not? I just assumed it was true cause they look identical.

Renaldo Allard

6x9 yessss let’s fucking gooo

Renaldo Allard

When John snow isn’t on the screen the show doesn’t feel complete

Priscilla Ibanichuka

After you guys are done with GOT and HOTD, you should watch His dark materials

Lady Stoneheart (UnCat)

The show is too vague. Everything I said is book/book theory based. It's really incredibly hard not to project knowledge from source material onto the show, but this is precisely why bookreaders™️ have so much criticism for the show, if that makes sense. The show implied Ja'quen was in the black cells so the rest of the knowledge about hiring faceless men has to stand even if the show itself does not clarify that for the audience. I get now more from this conversation though how the rules are not at all sufficiently explained in the show, kind of making book stuff overall irrelevant to show only viewers. I can see why we are annoying now lol

Lady Stoneheart (UnCat)

But also Ja'quen saw something in her to recruit her. He saw she had what it would take to be a faceless man. Saying she could cross names off her list wasn't to fully entice, just to intrigue. I really want to say why their meeting and conversations at all are so important in the books, but I can't really. Aryas invite to the house of black and white, along with her time there is a mechanism for an expanded plot between characters in the books. Ja'quen wasn't guaranteeing her revenge, her arc is actually about deviating from vengeance, but he basically was stating the rules that she could "offer up the names to the red god" ... implying making a case for their assassinations, not necessarily to learn to kill them. The learning was a separate thing he felt she would be good at. I tried to make this more concise but sometimes streaming of consciousness gets the best of me. 😬😁

Lady Stoneheart (UnCat)

I said last ep or something that s6 seemed more consistent for what it is was giving us, but idk if I mentioned that I meant in the overall overarching of the season. Every moment is explicit execution to initiate the next, very plot driven, low character drive. Every beat only leads to the next in direct service to end and that's the problem. I have no idea if I said that well I'm on 5 hrs of sleep.


Absolutely dying waiting for these 2 episodes!!!!!

Seth Aasland

these next 2 episodes are gonna HIT (at this point i feel the need to say “for me personally”)


The perfect dap doesn't compare to the sound barrier that Cannon broke when slapping Carter's thigh LMAO

Sean Carroll

Worst ep was season 5 ep 6 surely? Also season 6 ep 1 should be low rated, that was trash


9 tonight please? Pretty please 🥹

Sean Carroll

Can’t decide if the bravos arc or mereen arc is the worst, both are so goddamn awful

Sean Carroll

Wow, reading your comment and learning about the way it all goes down in the books is interesting and just shows how bad David and Dan stuffed up these stories.


We need it 😭

Sean Carroll

They absolutely are not even close to season 4 level, that’s a complete insult

Sean Carroll

They are the type of reactors who will very quickly pick up on the issues with season 7 and notice the problems more obviously then they did in season 6

Sean Carroll

Arya is butchered writing wise but the writers have an unhealthy love for her that it ruins the show with the choices they make for her.

Sean Carroll

Season 5 is more consistent than 6, season 5 is a steady level all season while 6 has so many peaks and troughs it’s so jarring. Overall both seasons are average 6/10 seasons

Sean Carroll

6 has high peaks agreed but also has bigger lows then season 5, the issue is it lacks consistency and both are basically middle of the road bang average seasons

Sean Carroll

Bruh who was excited by this line, it renders the last two seasons of her story inconsequential. It’s godawful

neve woods

Episode 9 😩😩

Sean Carroll

No Meri, people don’t just hate to hate, if for example I am a hater, at least I provide depth in my comments about why these seasons are bad and don’t just say that it’s bad without providing evidence. You must be very narrow minded to think people in here that hate are doing so just for the lols

Sean Carroll

They had no idea how to write this storyline so it and its characters were always doomed to fail

Sean Carroll

Sadly Jaime is not one of the best characters, so much potential just thrown into the fire. Theon is the best written character in got, has the best character arc that isn’t ruined by 7 and 8

Sean Carroll

You want it, you don’t need it, needing something signifies a requirement for life continuance, if you didn’t get 6x9 you wouldn’t die so therefore it falls under the category of a want/desire rather then a need/requirement. Yes I know this was petty, don’t care

Sean Carroll

Bro tried his hardest to justify this bravos arc and literally didn’t prove anything

Sean Carroll

You want it, you don’t need it, needing something signifies a requirement for life continuance, if you didn’t get 6x9 you wouldn’t die so therefore it falls under the category of a want/desire rather then a need/requirement. Yes I know this was petty, don’t care


Maisie actually did that first jump herself


"A shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon" crawled so "the faith and the crown are the two pillars" could run

Daenerys Targaryen

Please my lord Carter. We need episode 9 today. Your Queen is getting an MRI today and could use the pick me up 🥲


Just finished watching this one I’m so ready for the next


i think its cute that your still repeating yourself

Sean Carroll

Congratulations for choosing to be lazy and not pushback in anyway. At least try and challenge my point

Sean Carroll

I have a very enjoyable life, do you not see how happy I am in my profile picture?


I agree Dany's entry was lackluster but I just took it as them saving budget for the season finale. I like Carter's rewrite though, seeing it from the ships would have been cool


The first time I watched this episode ending when she said "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell" I stood up from my chair and screamed 🤣 I was so sick of seeing her get beaten lol


I think this was everyone’s reaction it was great


Hey my Queen! Hope it all goes well with the MRI! You have all of our best wishes and support!


We get that you are annoying but could you refrain from spoiling stuff? Some of us are still enjoy this and want them to react without knowing everything.

Tokyo Ghoul Supremacist

The whole 'West of Westeros' thing is actually taken from the books (from Fire and Blood at least). The theory in the story is that the world is round and so there should be a way to sail to Essos from Westeros by going west, but all the characters in the book who try it either get shipwrecked, return without finding any land at all, or disappear. Arya wanting to go west is a little random, but given that she's an adventurous person, it fits with her character pretty well. IIRC, the Targaryens send an expedition west but all they find before vanishing are 3 small islands.


To my knowledge season 6 is a combination of stuff from the last book, stuff from WoW that's already written, and stuff written by D & D to fill in the gaps - which is why you see so much inconsistency between scenes.


To my knowledge season 6 is a combination of stuff from the last book and stuff from WoW that George has already written, with D & D filling in the gaps - hence the crazy inconsistency between scenes at times.

Meri Gjelaj

So half of the shit you say isn’t just for laughs? Oh…I genuinely thought some of it was LOL just poking fun for the sake it


Also, I don't understand the issue with the whole West of Westeros thing, its kind of a weird thing to be upset with. Its somewhat implied that their world is a globe like ours, but the characters themselves don't truly know in the sense that no one has actually sailed west of Westeros and come back around to tell the tale. Some have tried but have either confirmed to have died or were never heard from again, Alt Shift X made some really good videos covering this which I'd recommend. Anyway, my point being that its 100% in line with Arya's character.


Honestly, after "no way that's a wagon terrain" I highly doubt anyone's taking your criticism seriously.


Just got word that wasn't Bonnie from TVD. In the words of a wise man, I have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat out deceived.

Daenerys Targaryen

Aww, thank you both! I'm sure everything will be ok, but best to get things checked out. Your words have definitely warmed my heart ❤️

Paul Durbin

Btw you can enjoy something and point out flaws at the same time...


She does look a little similar, like I totally see the resemblance, but definitely not her.


This was supposed to be a reply to Sean's comment idk how it ended up here 😂


Literally spoilers again from a certain someone hinting at characters in further seasons…. Jack and McKay come to the rescue and delete 🙏🏼

Tokyo Ghoul Supremacist

The first part about the waif's face makes sense but I'm not sure about the second part. I think Jaqen literally just let her leave because he liked her. It's a very un-Game of Thrones reason but it's the only one that fits. This arc was really just a setup to make Arya a badass.




Sean you gotta delete this, spoilers, and you made some about Theon as well….


Yeah.. not that hard to just refrain from speaking on future seasons or eps until we get there… Just give your thoughts on the current happenings up to this point?


How was Edmure the Lord of RIverrun if it's technically the Frey's by right and the Blackfish took it over? I mean if they're playing the "it's mine because I took it" game Edmure doesn't have any right to it because it was already taken and reassigned to the Frey's.

Chris Sanford

Ahh yes I always could tell Brig is a man of refined culture, W Cowboys. Now if we can just convert him to being a Celtics fan (to be fair I have no idea what his fav NBA team is).

Jaqen H'ghar

I don't really care what anyone else says or gripes about, I loved Arya's arc and I'm not sure why it gets so much hate. Oh no, she survived injuries! GASP. It's a fantasy show man. If we really wanted to sit here and nitpick everything in any show, then you could literally dismantle ANY good show or book out there. It's so silly to get so uptight over certain details. Why not just enjoy the story? Why critique literally everything to oblivion? It's so miserable seeing yall just try to tear apart every episode. It leaves such a sour taste in my mouth- a taste even WORSE than what season 8 left. Try to be happy yall. There are obviously some bad writing points, but that's how it is with literally every movie or show. It's just annoying at this point seeing the mass cry over every fucking little thing.

Jaqen H'ghar

Like these comments are the epitome of "shitting on your parade". It's so goddam annoying. I can't take the negativity anymore. Why does every episode have to have miserable trolls and people who can't just shut the fuck up and enjoy? Critical thinking is absolutely admirable and I love the discussion points that some people bring up- but straight up shitting on other people's opinions when they're happy about a scene, or invalidating someone else's feelings about something is just so annoyingly wrong. People who start 'discussions' just to start barking their point and give no wiggle room for actual discussion are problematic as fuck.

Tokyo Ghoul Supremacist

That's a pretty big nitpick to be fair. Khal Drogo got one stab and died. Ned Stark got stabbed in the leg once and was on crutches for the rest of the season. Jon Snow got 4 stabs and died almost instantly. I agree people need to chill out but this is the one point actually worth the criticism.

Nat Brojeni

I think Dani wanted to see what’s going on first she can’t just start burning the ships!

Meri Gjelaj

Couldn’t agree more. Again, people just like to hate because they’re bored, and they feed off of the reactions that their hate receives. I find it comical lol


Brigg always saying Lykiri cracks me uppppp lmao I do the same thing 😭😭

Jaqen H'ghar

@tokyo It's more of the attitude rather than opening up any sort of actual discussion. People complain and then hate when others disagree. I respect that people don't like the Arya wound thing, I really do. I DON'T respect people coming and commenting on other people's posts negatively because they liked Arya's arc or literally anything else in the episode. Tbf, my comment was definitely meant to be more general than just the Arya thing. It's been a theme for awhile now and it's gotten so old. To the point where I hate reading the comments.

Jaqen H'ghar

@Merj i've gone from finding it comical to finding it to be an absolute nuisance and vibe-killer at this point, lol.

A_Daddy Daichi

I was waiting for the jokes with this trio 😭😂


just wanted to tell you that you are genuinely such a loser

Jaqen H'ghar

@Tokyo Also just to add onto the injury thing- Khal drogo was stabbed and then "treated" by the witch. The witch definitely fucked him up, lol. And Jon was stabbed straight in the heart, I would HOPE he would've died from that. Doesn't really excuse the abdomen stab from Arya- but hey, the Hound survived, didn't he? He was in bad shape. Arya has got a lot of kick in her- it wouldn't surprise me that she pulls through. People in modern times survive crazy stuff akin to what Arya survived- though this is a poor comparison considering we have modern medicine. But hey, they have magic so...

Jaqen H'ghar

Cannon's inner Mack came out at 8:10, LOL.

Sean Carroll

Ouch Alex, a random person on the internet calling me a loser, what a gut punch that is, how will I ever recover from

Sean Carroll

Sometimes I say stuff for laughs, but my large comments are the serious issues I have found from the episodes

Jaqen H'ghar

Qyburn looking like a proud dad at 12:40, one of my favorite scenes this episode. "I choose violence"

Sean Carroll

Over the course of 3 seasons yeah mereen is terrible but aryas arc is just written so bad

Chris Sanford

Thanos is funny but if you've ever seen Terminator it's a much better comparison lol.

Duke Howard

Episode 9 today please


We need ep 9 asap

Will Zene

Sean you just described my exact actions whenever I see you in the comments, bravo 👏


These last few eps boutta COOOOOOK

Bellamy Blake

I appreciate you explaining! Ya I really wish the show was more clear but that’s always asking too much of these showrunners 🙂‍↕️


Guys stop commenting that u need the next 2 episodes. Ur gonna find a miserable guy in ur replies saying “fUrTheR pR0viNg mY tHeOry c0rReCt”

Sean Carroll

Because it does, I’m convinced people only hype up season 6 for the final two eps

Sean Johnson

The idea of trial by combat did happen in the Medieval world - like Duels etc with the practice still happening right up until the 1800s, was usually over crimes or honor disputes, Kings would duel on behalf of their armies... Its a pretty GOATed move to gamble life and death within seconds

Bellamy Blake

My dad LOVES this scene so much 😂 when I once asked him what his fav scene so far in the show was, this was the first thing he came up with


so… should I get me a bottle of vino for that 6x9 watch tonight or what 💕🙏🏻

Amna 🍉

Nobody: Brig: vermithor lykiri😌DOHAERAS😏

Duke Howard

Please upload episode 9 today I’m begging 🙏


What are we waiting for? Let's gooooooo. 👏🏻


Their marriage through Edmure is what legitimizes the claim. But I do agree his men just disobeying blackfish was a bit strange. Maybe if the show put more context with him and his men it'd make more sense, like them being tired of continuing the war of the kings. But my assumption from what's shown is they're loyal enough to continue a losing war to begin with.


Facts I need the new one piece drop 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


No if it’s the 2 episodes enjoy the most that don’t mean anything really lol game of thrones last 2 episodes are hyped up like crazy so I don’t get your point

Paul Durbin

Jesus Christ the plea spam for ep9 is just as annoying as Sean. It'll be here when it gets here. What, are we all suddenly 12 years old?


This riverrun siege arc is really dull and pointless. Now that I rewatched again, season 6 definitely a step down from first 4 seasons


Danaerys landed and walked in. Get over it. If you guys can write a better show I'm sure HBO, Netflix or Amazon would be only to happy to hand you sacks full of money for the rights ;)

Paul Durbin

Why is it valid when you guys express frustration when I, or Sean, or whoever, says something you don't agree with in the comments, but when we express that we disagree with something you guys write in the comments, we're being annoying, ruining your fun, or being "mean?" Sounds like straight up juvenile logic to me.


Oh Carter, my sweet summer child, wait til you see what happens next. Don't forget what Arya's been through and what she's learned training to be a faceless man, then you won't be saying "how'd she do that?" She's a stealth little ninja now lol!

Bri-Ana Monique

Lmfao double standards. You got a point, just like you say we can stop reading what Sean writes, you can stop reading the comments? Or Just like you want Sean to be able to express his opinion w/out someone debating him, you should allow people to express their excitement over an episode without calling them a child. Very valid points there Paul

Tim Moore

Bro over here hurt about peoples reactions because they aren't similar to his own. Yikes bruh smh


This doesn’t even make sense… us playfully begging the geks to drop the next episode, in our own separate comments, has nothing to do with sean. It is not the same as him replying to every comment that speaks positively about this season or episode to shove his negative views on that person. The double standard is that he can’t accept that people like it and he can’t just let them express that without harassing them for liking it. It’s too much sometimes that’s all.


lol ok I can see it from that angle tbh but nah it woulda been dope if she was tho 🤣🤣


like most ppl in here just here to have fun and enjoy it. why do you guys feel the need to dampen the vibe?


It's cool tha you like it but your comment does sound like someone coping hard that they like something bad lol.

David J

6x9 tonight PLEASE!


It was done in a very shit way, anyone with a working brain can see it, it was like a CW entrance lol. I'm seeing the show for like the 4th time and more than ever I can see how badly some things are done in the later seasons, I still like them though

Paul Durbin

There's a difference between debating, having a conversation of perspectives, ideas, and insight, and just straight up bitching about how annoying someone is. There's also a difference between expressing excitement for an episode and incessantly begging for something from a content creator when you know its gonna come out. Probably sometime today, and if not, probably sometime tomorrow. I definitely could stop reading the comments. I'm not exactly bothered by them though. It's just too much sometimes that's all... Hayley - I'm not talking about anyone in particular. But apparently I'm making a personal slight directly at some people 🙃 Seems impossible to just read and accept what I write. Everyone needs to go on the defensive and protect themselves. It's always a, "yeah well... you too."


The dumbest criticism I’ve ever read is when people say “well why don’t you write it then.” By that logic no one should talk critically about any piece of media they consume, and artists should just cater to other artists instead of the general public.


That's what it is tbh, almost every other arc is in its worse phase rn and Jon's is cooking.


are we getting One Piece tonight since it wasn't dropped yesterday?

Jaqen H'ghar

@Matheus I think you've missed my entire point then, lol. But to each their own. I can like something that is considered objectively bad. I don't like people being disrespectful about it to others though. Someone is allowed to like something, lol. Someone can also NOT like it. Again, my comment wasn't meant to just be about the Arya thing, but it is what spurred my comment.


Your original comment here was literally “straight up bitching about how annoying” we are for asking for the drop 😭 the geks know we gonna beg, it’s par for the course in this community lol. I don’t think they are bothered by it. It’s all in good fun.


Honestly every show has its glazers and haters and you definitely have a hating bias but you're one of the only people in the comments actually thinking critically about the show which I can appreciate. I agree with the critics, Aryan's arc is boring, inconsistent and it makes her into a smug brat, which was unnecessary because she already had the personality of a fighter. They'll keep hating on you but I dare someone to actually give some counter points to why you're wrong lol. I don't care what anyone says I like having glazer and haters going at each other, its fun to see

Paul Durbin

Has it ever crossed anyone's mind that there's another reason that we point out flaws and issues other than that we just like ruining people's fun? Or is that just the first thing that pops into your minds and you just roll with it, like... "yup that makes sense to me, couldn't be anything else." I still enjoy the show, but I'm going to express my thoughts. Perhaps we are pointing out what could be better because we as an audience deserve better. That there is such a thing as better. And it can be found elsewhere and even throughout this series, but not everywhere. Maybe we appreciate art for different reasons. I can perfectly accept that the later seasons look very good. Cinematography and art direction is no doubt top notch. But that's not personally what does it for me. If that's what does it for you, cool.


Jaime was on such a roll as a character but then just gets back to being hisnold self with little moments of "am I actually not thay honorable?🤔" sprinkled in. It's a shame if you remember his iconic speech at the bath with Brianne, probably my favorite scene in the series

Paul Durbin

Okay you're right. I'll just go away and stop bothering you. Silly me. Everything I've said makes no sense. I'm convinced. Now you can be happy and unperturbed.

McKay Carter

Episode 9-10 will be watched tomorrow 😈


Nope. It's just bad writing. I know it's a boring answer that's not as fun as creating interesting theories that explain everything... but it's the truth. They didn't know what to do with the storyline since it hasn't concluded in the books, and this is what they came up with. It's not an egregious ending or anything. It's just kinda like... all of that set-up for... for this? Okay, sure. Next. But by Game of Thrones standards, that inherently makes it bad


Omg.. alls I’m sayin is just maybe lighten up with the delivery a bit and join in on the fun 😭 this comment section can be fun I promise.


How about we not try and piece things together for them, since it will dampen their reaction to such a big reveal? K, thanks


What about the little video on YouTube thats pose to be watched after season 6?? If you know you know 👀


That’s not what piece together things for them is. They already knew this info and just forgot it. Piecing together stuff would be like someone telling them who Jon Snow’s real mother is, something that hasn’t been revealed yet but they’ve gotten clues to already. The information with Cersei and that maester literally was given to them seasons ago and they probably just forgot. Next time look up what things mean before you comment. K, thanks

Paul Durbin

Yikes, the last time I was hit with the "It's not what you said, it's how you said it" I was in a long term committed relationship. Yes the comments typically are fun, except for when we're complaining.


The fireball is on fire 🔥 bars lmao


I wish for the sake of the queen I could drop the episode...but we are watching it tomorrow:( Hope everything is alright!

Sean Carroll

I predict Carter will be disappointed in what’s coming the most of the group

Sean Carroll

The river run story is definitely done poorly with some good scenes sprinkled in

Paul Durbin

Yup that's it Meri. Couldn't be any other reason. You nailed our motivations down to a T.

Sean Carroll

Looking at the desperation from multiple people in the comments for 9 and 10 just convinces me even further that people only hype up season 6 for those episodes. ☕️


Why do you keep repeating this tho? You literally said it a couple times on this episode alone

Paul Durbin

Yup. I pointed this out earlier and got a solid berating 👌 fun stuff

Meri Gjelaj

I genuinely cannot believe the state of this comment section, truly it’s so hilarious to read through. I wonder if the geks think we’re all insane LMAOO

Bellamy Blake

There’s enough chaos in here to get Baelish bricked up, that’s for sure

Sean Carroll

Thanks man, I’m still waiting for genuine pushback against the last two seasons of comments I have made, but sadly no one can point out that I’m wrong, just mad at the fact I criticise the show and apparently am a women hater.

Paul Durbin

It's fine. I don't think anything is terribly out of place but it's just kind of empty to me. Not a whole lot beneath the surface but it's a fun story. I'd definitely recommend them to anyone that hasn't seen them.

༒ dianna ༒



I mean it's not that serious? No one is being toxic or weird about it, people are having fun and are clearly just excited to see their reactions to the next couple episodes

༒ dianna ༒

I LOVE THIS SM it reminds me of a animated video I saw of her dandy saying this


I feel like you have this misconception that most people on here disagree with your opinions on the later seasons and that it's the main reason people have taken issue with you, when realistically a LOT of us (including myself) probably agree with you more than you'd think. I mean there's others I've seen on this GoT post alone that have expressed criticisms/gripes with this episode or this season as a whole and have been able engage in respectful discussions with no issues, why do you think that is?


Hey it’s Paul! Sean’s long lost brother!

Paul Durbin

Oh shit. Sean, there's no coming back from that valid and well thought out rebuttal.


What the heck is a sean, can you let me in the loop?

Sean Carroll

I comment my issues with the show consistently and people can’t handle their favourite thing being criticised, that’s what it boils down to. People have come at me with horrible insults but it doesn’t bother me because I don’t have the emotional range of a 4 year old.

Sean Carroll

No I’m actually in perfect good health. I think you might be unwell though if you’re body and mind need something that your life doesn’t actually require. Sounds like a drug addiction


Well I can say that I ^personally^ love a lot of the episodes in s6 and not only 9&10 I just really enjoy the season. People hype up season 1 for episode 9 bc of ned, season 3- the red wedding, 4 has many peaks, 5 is hardhome or jons death etc… this season it’s 9&10, flaws or not it’s still enjoyable 🤩


It all comes down to money. Your scene would have been amazing but probably not in the budget.


It is very similar in the books but it is told in a much more concise manner (5 chapters total so far), whereas in the show they need to have Maisie Williams present in most episodes so it feels like it progresses much slower


I have one doubt. If I have upgrade my plan to anime am I able to watch both anime and live action?


You guys know why we needed that River run storyline. It wasn’t pointless. Think about the convo Jamie has later and what was said about the Tullys in Riverrun. This was a key point in who he is and what actions he takes. We have to see the nasty side once in awhile to remind us of the gray in his character. He hasn’t done anything evil since he killed his cousin. They want it on full display what he will do to get back to Cersei, as he told Edmure clearly. Then we get a little softness of allowing Brienne to escape when he could of easily had her captured. Letting her leave to go help Sansa who is Cersei’s enemy. They are setting up the storyline of who his character is and what future decisions he makes. They are laying the beginning groundwork to wrap up the storyline as the series comes to an end.


Here is a fun fact while we wait for episode 9. It’s about J’aqen Hagar. The actor who plays him likes to watch these reaction videos. On Spartan and Pudgey’s GOT reaction he commented and sent in a video reaction to them. So you never know who is watching. ❤️

Sean Carroll

Like I said some great scenes sprinkled throughout like the edmure and brienne scenes. Sadly we all know how Jaime’s arc ends

༒ dianna ༒

All I see is you wasting time commenting every single small detail of a show you don’t like very much, bringing down others excitement for it multiple times. If idrc ab you disliking it, just don’t ruin people’s comfort. All this time in your hands and you chose to be annoying online 💀💀

Bellamy Blake

Captain Hindsight Sean really can’t refrain from spoiling. Amazing that he thinks he isn’t spoiling.

Daenerys Targaryen

Paul. The reason a majority of people in the community dislike Sean (and you're creeping into that category too, if not already there), isn't because of a particular opinion you have. It's because everything you post is filled with negativity and condescension. So how do you not expect people to be put off by you? We can't even be silly and ask the Geks to post the next episode without you calling us 12-year olds. And I know you probably do this mostly to get people riled up and get a back and forth discussion going, so I've said my piece and won't be going back and forth on this matter. Aside from all of this, you're still a human being and deserving of love and kindness, so I hope you have a good day ❤️.

Meri Gjelaj


Paul Durbin

My queen. It's not my intention to condescend. You are free to interpret what I say however you want. Typically, I aim to encourage people to think critically and now apparently, introspectively. I find it odd that you seem to know the motivations behind my words. If I could get a back and forth discussion without getting people riled up, that'd be a bloody miracle. I also hope you have a great day 🙂


Just finished season 6…….holy crap


Can’t wait for that reaction, Battle of the bastards is EPIC and the finale and music INSANE. Crazy back to back episodes 😂

Daenerys Targaryen

I appreciate your thoughtful response. You're right, I don't know your intentions/motivations, I just said what I said based on some comments I've seen. But I take you at your word when you say that it's not your intent to be disrespectful or anything like that. 😘


Gray character: when a character acts like an asshole in one scene and tries to be nice in the next. This gray character thing is out of control. You can write nonsensical characters as much as you want and someone will defend it saying it is a gray character. We saw what you said again before. Like you even said it “reminds” us. Jaime tries to some good to restore his honor but his tragic shortcoming is his love for cercesi which is reasoning for his wicked deeds. But we already knew that. Did this arc progressed his character? What did he learn about his inner conflict and how did it change? Nothing, it is the same old thing we have seen done better in previous seasons (because it was written better). Apart from jaime all other characters and events feel just needed to happen to get it out of way. What seemed to happen is get a cool scene with jaime and blackfish, get tullys and riverrun stuff out of while at at.


Agreed they need to react to this video after 6x9 and 6x10 !!


It gives stuff from the books and the show actually but here it is https://youtu.be/kHqzFwodZqQ?si=f2xy7yxI58NIQ_p0


Cmon Sean. Its getting sad. Dont make this your personality.

Paul Durbin

He's literally wondering if the geks thought it was mid and then stating that he thinks season 4 is peak. Wtf is in there that bothers you so much?? Why do people need to give him so much shit for having a minority opinion? That is truly getting old. Seems like your personality consists of telling people that you don't agree with to stfu. Fun stuff. He's not putting anyone down. Let him talk.


wheeeeere is 6x9 :c

Chantelle Miles

U guys NEED TO react to R+L=J by Robbie McD Please. Now u finally finished S6 U guys can watch the "who's Jon's real mother" video.


I need the next episode the way I need oxygen


@Paul Durbin I can’t see what he said because I blocked him, but I think you’re misunderstanding. We are not hating on him for having an opinion. We are annoyed by his need to state said opinion under most comments that say that they like S6. While he has the right to do so, it doesn’t make it any less annoying. It’s also hypocritical to defend his right of an opinion while calling people who call him out on his…let’s say perseverance…having a “personality that consists of telling people that you don’t agree with to stfu”. They are, rightfully so, lightly mocking a person who feels so entitled of his opinion that he needs to repeat it constantly.


It’s probably just him on his burner account 😭

Sean Carroll

All I’m doing is letting them know that if they didn’t have battle of the bastards then they wouldn’t die. A need is a life requirement, they just want the episode, not need it. If he ran out of oxygen for 1-2 minutes he’d die

Sean Carroll

You really think someone as outspoken as me without any regard for people’s feelings needs to make a burner account that defends me… Paul is a G who just has emotional control


imagine spending energy and time typing something like this


You prolly made it to make it seem like people agreeing with you lol it happens


Lol the comments mentioning Sean and I've blissfully blocked and can't see his content for a while now.


Sean and Paul.... 1. "without any regard for peoples feelings" is just calling yourself an asshole sprinkled with cope. Being social but not treating it as a two way street is bizarre behavior to put it lightly. 2. You said it 499 times. Saying it for the 500th time is textbook making it your personality. Its spam at best, trolling at worse. Both frowned upon. 3. Paul said you were wondering what the Geks thought about the episode. But heres the thing about reactions...you dont have to wonder. They explain it, pretty thoroughly at that. 4. You used to have good comments, good as in insightful or unique. But after season 3 you became a caricature...and like I said before, thats sad... 5. 'Mid' is not a critique. Its an inarticulate word fart that is more noise than substance. Its not about what you CAN say, its about if you should. You CAN critique the show, just like we're critiquing you. The only difference between the two are; Game Of Thrones cant hear you, but you can hear us. Listen.


“….. holy crap” isn’t normally someones reaction to something they think is mid… but okiee lol


Actually Sean, what you don’t know is I went to urgent care earlier. They let me know that my difficulty breathing is due to the Geks not uploading 6x9 today, and if they don’t upload it soon I may die. I’m slowly withering away, medical professionals have said so. I know you don’t have a medical license, or else you would’ve been able to come to this conclusion on your own 😔

Duke Howard

Are they uploading GoT episode 9 today

Jaqen H'ghar

Omg, I hope you get well soon Ophelia. I've heard this condition is very serious. :(


Thank you very much, these are trying times. My doctor said the night is dark and full of terrors 😔😔


The scene revision is A+. If only things like budgets didn't exist.

Sean Carroll

Trolling in my mind is when a person says complaining type things without actually explaining or backing it up with any evidence. I make one comment every video explaining the issues with evidence from the episode itself. This is not trolling Trolling would be more like me saying every episode “game of thrones sucks now, season 1-4 is peak” If I repeated that then you could call me a troll but I actually have depth in my comments

Jacob Goldsmith

sean just loves to think his opinion is law aka willing to argue it to the judge, jury, and executioner.


Paul, Sean is *always* putting people down. Its been months of this. What are you smoking


Sean you comment that at least a dozen times a week. There's so much evidence. What



Hej Hej

Episode 6x9 is gone for me by some reason, I have that tier that gets me access once the youtube video drops. but sadly I cant see it and the video is not even visible

Andrea PM

Guysss episode 9 is missing from the collection playlist.

Andrea PM

I found out it's missing from the collection but if you go back to when it was published you'll see it there. Also if you go to the Membership tab, under Popular Posts it shows up there too

Shikhar Srivastava

Guys. Episodes are vanishing from the collection as soon as they are getting unlocked and the new episodes are not getting added to the collection. This is happening with GOT and also happened with Chernobyl episodes 5. Additionally some of the last episodes from FMAB playlist are missing. (Legacy uncut tier). Please have a look into this.

Shikhar Srivastava

Guys. Episodes are vanishing from the collection as soon as they are getting unlocked (6x9 and 6x10) and the new episodes are not getting added to the collection (7x3). This is happening with GOT and also happened with Chernobyl episodes 5. Additionally some of the last episodes from FMAB playlist are missing. (Legacy uncut tier). Please have a look into this.

Jem de Jager

Daenerys walks in, and slaps Tyrion for mismanaging her city, that would be funny