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Thanks to Dan for coming back on the show! 

Stories covered in episode: 




Suzanne August

Oh thank you, thank you!! Am in Guatemala all alone as sick as a dog. This is just what I needed.


Can't wait tell closing to put my ear buds in

Sakashite Fukasumi

Haven't listened to this yet, but do the guys address Dan's explicit and enthusiastic support for violence in response to speech?

Sean Oakley

The new AV guy was Brian.

Kevin Lieder

Did Tom do the editing on the early content for this episode? Some of the transitions where just terrible.

Kevin Lieder

I downloaded the episode threw podcast addict within a hour of early release so not sure if its fixed but if you are aware of it then i'm sure its good. I hit truck radio a few times thinking i lost signal in my bluetooth lol.

Kevin Lieder

Dan Arel is just a audio demon.