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Due to popular demand, I'm working on a 6th page. This one will be particularly explicit, but expect the sketch by tomorrow!


Iriga Avo

Me: Claps in Stolas


You’re the 🐐 Bagel! We don’t deserve you 🙇‍♂️


Many claps for you 👏


Oh my goodness. Thank you so much. Please don’t push yourself too hard


AYYYYYY I love the “bad ending” series you have going. Ngl it’s why I got the subscription lol. I want to see more enslaved girl pics from you the most! Just curious, do you plan to color them too?


All of the bad end comics have been colored as of far, and I'm currently lining and coloring the Yor one as we speak. But in the future, I might turn them into doujin format :)

Su Yazzi

Thanks for making this one so great, hope the holidays are going well for you!


Oh yeeesss


Take it easy bagel! I know you said you didn't want to do this since it would drain you, so don't work too hard

kaneki2896 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-09 03:28:33 Thank you bagel! I'm really looking forward to that
2023-12-28 10:56:43 Thank you bagel! I'm really looking forward to that

Thank you bagel! I'm really looking forward to that


We appriciate all the art you do! Make sure not burn yourself up and rest also!