Arrow 5X15: Fighting Fire With Fire (Patreon)
You guys. My discussion (and pretty much everything after Chase is revealed to be Prometheus) is a hot mess. WTF. I spend half of the time debating over whether this actually happened. I mean, really, how did this happen?
So, Oliver is dealing with impeachment. Someone needs to take the fall for this, so he decides it's going to be the Green Arrow and he spins it to look like he turned and is now killing cops. (No idea how we're gonna come back from that).
Either way, the Vigilante is after Oliver now, but Prometheus (you know, Chase 😮) is all like, 'You can't kill him. He's mine!' and pushes him off a roof. (Also, no idea what happened to him after that). Then, takes his mask off to call the police and tell them about the Vigilante. And it's fucking Chase. What? How? Huh? Do I hate this? Yes. I really fucking do. At the beginning of this episode, I was saying how we should probably bring Chase into the fold and tell him the truth. Turns out, he already knows. WTF.
Felicity does something hackery to get Susan her job back. However, she also decides to join up with Helix. Which is a little concerning, seeing as she was thinking about using some of the stuff she got from Pandora to blackmail one of the council members. She doesn't do it, but she mentions it way too offhandedly.
Ugh. Paul is divorcing Curtis. I didn't think it was gonna be a 'get back together dinner,' but I also didn't think it was gonna be this. I'm sad for him.
Oh, right. Oliver is almost assassinated by Vigilante (but the teams stops it), and he manages not to get impeached.
But seriously. Chase is fucking Prometheus? Are we sure about this? I'm still not.